Disfruta cantando Highway to hell Karaoke de AC DC con nuestro karaoke en línea. Encuentra las letra y su versión instrumental.


Letra AC DC – Highway To Hell(Karaoke)

Livin’ easyLovin’ freeSeason ticket on a one way rideAskin’ nothin’Leave me beTakin’ everythin’ in my strideDon’t need reasonDon’t need rhymeAin’t nothin’ that I’d rather doGoin’ downParty timeMy friends are gonna be there too
I’m on the highway to hellOn the highway to hellHighway to hellI’m on the highway to hell
No stop signsSpeed limitNobody’s gonna slow me downLike a wheelGonna spin itNobody’s gonna mess me aroundHey satanPayin’ my duesPlayin’ in a rockin’ bandHey mummaLook at meI’m on the way to the promised land
I’m on the highway to hellHighway to hellI’m on the highway to hellHighway to hellDon’t stop me
I’m on the highway to hellOn the highway to hellHighway to hellI’m on the highway to hell(Highway to hell) I’m on the highway to hell(Highway to hell) highway to hell(Highway to hell) highway to hell(Highway to hell)And I’m goin’ downAll the wayI’m on the highway to hell

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